Online MOMS Training
The first step in realising the factory of the future!
MOMS includes MES, WMS, QC and Scheduling
Then register quickly so you can participate in the next online training.
Then register quickly to ensure your place in the oline training.
Price per participant: €1795.-
Would you like to participate in this training? Then please register via the form. As soon as we have at least 3 applications we will contact you to schedule the training sessions.
” Tijdens de cursus hebben we veel theoretische kennis opgedaan over het inrichten van ERP, MES of WMS pakketten. Daarbij is er eerst gekeken hoe je het bedrijf visueel duidelijk in kaart kunt brengen en vervolgens hoe dit door te vertalen is naar de verschillende pakketten. Dit was een leerzame ervaring en het komt goed van pas om een pakket bij je eigen bedrijf te implementeren. Daarnaast is het leerzaam om de visie van de mede cursisten te horen en daar bruikbare tips uit te halen. ”
“Keuzes ten behoeve van MOMS hebben gevolgen voor ERP en andere applicaties. Dit wordt vaak onderschat en geeft problemen bij de implementatie. Met deze training geven we inzichten in de essentiële zaken om projecten sneller tot een succes te maken”
”We willen ervoor zorgen dat medewerkers veel eerder een gevoel hebben bij wat MOMS is en doet, pas wanneer ze het zien, kunnen ze een beeld vormen en goed meedenken. Dit zien vindt vaak pas laat in een implementatie project plaats, met alle gevolgen van dien”.
New white paper!
Trends, challenges and solutions in the Dutch food industry.
This white paper examines the following four trends:
The conviction that an MES is necessary immediately raises a new question: What steps do we need to take to implement MES successfully? This white paper is based on many years of experience with MES in the food industry and with every project new insights are added and our approach is refined.
The workfloor in manufacturing organisations can no longer function without IT solutions. Manufacturing IT has developed into a full-fledged field of expertise over the past decades. The knowledge of this field is held by system integrators and independent parties such as Greywise. After all, these parties are working on this every day. To accelerate the road to the factory of the future, Greywise has decided to share its knowledge, so that manufacturing organisations can become more successful in their manufacturing IT projects.
Manufacturing IT is a field that has an impact on different layers and disciplines of an organisation. It takes a birds-eye view to be successful The MOMS application and vision training provides insight into the most critical aspects of a MOMS implementation (MES, WMS, QC and Scheduling).
If these aspects have not been considered before the start of an implementation project, the project will take longer and be more expensive than budgeted.
If you want to make progress with manufacturing IT, you need someone in your company who is well aware of this. Someone who also has knowledge of the production processes and who wants to find out what can be improved in the organisation. This enables you to become less dependent on the system integrator. Because let’s face it: exceeding the budget is primarily a problem for the customer and less so for the party doing the implementation, the system integrator.
Online – 1 hour
We start this training with an introduction between you and one of the trainers. During this meeting, we would like to hear from you why you are participating, what you hope to learn and what challenge you are currently facing that you would like to get an answer to during the training.
Training-day 1
The topics we will be working on are:
Online meeting – 15:00-17:00
At the end of the first day of training, you will be given various assignments which you can use your own manufacturing environment as a real case. During this online meeting, we will discuss the progress made with all participants and you will have the opportunity to ask questions and receive additional advice.
Trainingsdag 2
De thema’s waarmee we aan de slag gaan, zijn:
One-on-one coaching afterwards – 2 hours
After completion of the second training day, you have the possibility to book an individual session of 2 hours with one of the trainers. You can use this session for questions about the training or to discuss issues that occur in your organisation.